Hunt responsibly. Hunt respectfully.

Know where to aim, every time.



ONE SHOT is a must have for new and experienced hunters, who wants to make the perfect shot every time. It contains detailed descriptions, instructions and illustrations of the 25 most huntable animals in Europe, collected in a 136 page pocket-sized inspirational guide. Each animal got a description of the animal and its habits and characteristics and, a geographic habitat, ammunition guidance and - most important - rich illustrations of vital organs so you know where to aim, every time. The one shot that matters.



“Resultatet er en utrolig velfungerende og umiddelbart anvendelig guide til alle jægere, der skal ud på en vildtbane, der lige nøjagtig ikke er den hjemlige”

— Magasinet Jagt, Vildt & Våben

“En klog jæger har engang sagt, at jo bedre man forbereder sig, jo heldigere bliver man på jagt, og denne bog giver dig alle muligheder for at forberede dig ordentligt.”

— Magasinet Jæger

“En god, lille håndbog, som man med fordel kan bruge tid på og tage med på jagt. Man ved aldrig hvilke muligheder, der dukker op.”

— Magasinet TROFÆ

“Jeg kan godt lide, at bogen ikke indeholder flere oplysninger end nødvendigt, hvilket gør den til min nye rejsemakker, når jeg skal på jagt i Europa.”

— Magasinet Jæger

Prepare for

  • The Place

    This book is all about rifle shot placement on European animals living all over this beautiful continent. From the Seal in the ocean in the Nordic areas and the Muntjac in the UK, with the funny looking horns, as we hunters call trophy, to the Alpine Ibex living in the highest mountains. Almost all of them are represented in this book.

  • The Animal

    Shoot for the heart or the lungs and you know the animal will die fast which is what, I write about in this book. A clean and ethical kill. You can shoot for the brain, spine or neck but you might injure the animal, if you are not 100% sure where to aim.

  • The Shot

    There is no perfect caliber for all types of hunt. There are very good allround calibers. There are hundreds of calibers to choose from. I’m sure all or most of them are really good. Many has their own favorits out from experience, others have recommendations from other hunters or from the salesman in the local hunting shop. I try to make some recommendations from the different type of animals with the right amount of knock down effect for the specific animal you dream about.

“I used to get frustrated with inaccurate illustrations of shot placements online, why I got extremely excited when I stumbled upon One Shot. Clear visuals and a credible source!”

— Lasse B.B. Christensen